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Do Your Kids Know The Value of a Silver Spoon?

You taught them how to read and how to ride a bike, but have you taught your children how to manage money?

One study households with student loan debt showed that the average amount owed was $47,671.1 And more than 20% of recipients with outstanding loans will either default or be delinquent in repaying those loans.2

For current college kids, it may be too late to avoid learning about debt the hard way. But if you still have children at home, save them (and yourself) some heartache by teaching them the basics of smart money management.

HAVE THE CONVERSATION. Many everyday transactions can lead to discussions about money. At the grocery store, talk with your kids about comparing prices and staying within a budget. At the bank, teach them that the automated teller machine doesn’t just give you money for the asking. Show your kids a credit card statement to help them understand how “swiping the card” actually takes money out of your pocket.

LET THEM LIVE IT. An allowance program, where payments are tied to chores or household responsibilities, can help teach children the relationship between work and money. Your program might even include incentives or bonuses for exceptional work. Aside from allowances, you could create a budget for clothing or other items you provide. Let your kids decide how and when to spend the allotted money. This may help them learn to balance their wants and needs at a young age, when the stakes are not too high.

TEACH KIDS ABOUT SAVING, INVESTING, AND EVEN RETIREMENT PLANNING. To encourage teenagers to save, you might offer a match program, say 25 cents for every dollar they put in a savings account. Once they have saved $1,000, consider helping them open a custodial investment account, then teach them how to research performance and ratings online. You might even think about opening an individual retirement account (IRA). Some parents offer to fund an IRA for their children as long as their children are earning a paycheck.3

As you teach your children about money, don’t get discouraged if they don’t take your advice. Mistakes made at this stage in life can leave a lasting impression. Also, resist the temptation to bail them out. We all learn better when we reap the natural consequences of our actions. Your children probably won’t be stellar money managers at first, but what they learn now could pay them back later in life – when it really matters.

Trevor Randall, financial advisor in Long Beach

President and CEO of Randall Wealth Management Group

As a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®) and Retirement Income Certified Professional® with over a 10 years of experience, Trevor Randall specializes in personalized retirement planning. As President and CEO of Randall Wealth Management Group, a family business established over 30 years ago, he prioritize hands-on care and detailed investment research to ensure every portfolio decision is accurate.

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